Monday 25 May 2020

Adobe Photoshop - Day 1 (May)


So due to circumstances, I am not able to continue my previous project which is the After Effects glowing effect video. After thinking about what I can transition to, with so little time left, I decided to venture out to Photoshop. 

I was originally thinking about doing coding again however, I came to a realization that there isn't much time left until the semester ends, and I wouldn't have enough time to be able to learn enough in order to do a final coding project. I thought about what I can do that will still help me in the future, what I enjoy, and something that enables me to start anywhere and working at any pace.

My plan for the rest of the following blog posts will be me following photoshop tutorials and then re-creating my own edits. (So basically what I was doing for video editing) This way, I am able to learn a bunch of new things and develop new skills at the same time. Despite having done photoshop before in the past, I never really got to spend an adequate amount of time on it, so I think it's a good idea to do this and fully develop my skills.

- My first photoshop tutorial that I plan on learning is, a silhouette type of edit. This seems like a good first edit and it's really cool so I want to learn it.

This is the video tutorial that I will be following along with.

After following the tutorial, this is the final edit I came up with.

my final product

This was a really good first assignment/tutorial for me as it kind of eases me back into photoshop, a well as it plays around with selection tools, masking, and colour effects. For this edit, I used 3 different images. I used a photo of a couple, a moon, and the ground in order to create that final product.


So since I have done photoshop before, this project contained things that I've somewhat learned/done before. However I did learn something though.

I didn't learn anything new in photoshop itself but I did learn something in the process of making this edit.

I believe that looking for images was the hardest and longest part when photoshopping sometimes. When I was searching for potential images for my edit, it actually took me quite a while because I learned the hard way that it's definitely better to use high-quality images, which Google did not offer often. I realized that though after editing a few images from google that did not work out well in the end.

I then learned about stock images. There are a few websites that offer thousands of free high-quality images that are perfect to use in photoshop. All the photos I used are all from pexel. (a website)

Pexels (@pexels) | Twitter
pexel website


Next time I will be following a tutorial on a simple glow in the dark edit. I chose to do this edit next because I feel like my weakest points when photoshopping is dealing with either colour correction or just using the colour effects in general, so hopefully after tomorrow my understanding of these kinds of effects will be better.

This is the tutorial I'm planning to follow next!

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