Wednesday 17 June 2020

Adobe Photoshop - Day 9 (June)


Today I took a break from doing useful real-life edits and did a fantasy type of edit this time. So this effect is called the 'Double Exposure' effect and you'll see why in a second.

These are the original images I used:

This is my final edit:

Basically, all I did was crop out only her head, then put it on a new layer, then created a clipping mask. I did not follow the tutorial step by step instead I did some things that I felt were better.

This is a good thing because I'm starting to improvise and choosing what to do on my own and having my own ideas instead of just copying. 

For example, the tutorial told me to make the person's face black and white and the background white. However, it did not look nice at all especially with the image of the girl I chose. So I experimented and decided to keep the original colors of the image. I think it turned out really nice in the end and I am happy with the result.


I honestly did not learn many things today. I think I only learned one new thing today and its 'clipping mask.' After I placed my city landscape photo on top of the woman's head, I right-clicked the city layer and selected 'Create clipping mask.' From there it did everything and just placed the city photo 'inside her head.'

I then went over the image using the brush tool to fix spots here and there and to make it look nicer.

where the option is located


Next time, I will be doing my final post of the year. I have an idea of what I want to do for my final project but I am still thinking as of now.

So I will be talking about my final project next post.

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Adobe Photoshop - Day 10 (June Final Post)

WHAT I DID TODAY / WHAT I LEARNED: For my final project, I thought for a while about what I could do. Then I remembered a while back I saw ...