Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Python - Final Project - Day 1 (January)


Since I have completed the Python 2 course on Code Academy, I have decided to end off on a final project to code a program. After researching and trying to find what I can do for my final, I have decided to do a quiz game.

It may sound simple but I chose it because I feel like it's a perfect way to actually incorporate the skills I've learned and since I am practically a beginner, I feel as if I can actually understand what I'm doing in this project. This project also can help me learn new things in a way that doesn't stress me out with all different types of information. 

Now I will talk about what I did today. First I researched and found an 'editor' or a program that actually runs my code. It's just called 'Python IDLE.' I then started by making a multiple-choice kind of quiz. The theme of the quiz is basically random/stupid questions to frustrate people that make absolutely no sense.

So far today I got to code 3 questions.

this is my code for the quiz so far

I was very surprised by how helpful that Python course was because it taught me all the basics and I was able to create this.

The above picture shows the code and the picture below is the output/final result. (I went through the quiz to show an example)



I only learned 1-2 things today, but it was very helpful information.

  • The first thing I learned was finding a program that actually runs the code. Since I've only been using Code Academy I didn't really think about how to find a program that'll output the code etc; In fact, I barely even knew how it even worked. 


  • The second thing I learned was a code. It's very simple but it's the code I've actually used the most since starting this quiz. It is \n - What it does is basically line breaks. It's how my multiple choice answers are placed like that row by row. 


Next time I will just be adding in a lot more questions. I actually aim to make at least 20 questions, and I know that I won't have time to do anything else after adding even more questions, so that is all I aim to do next class.

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